Friday, April 18, 2014

April NaNoWriMo

This month I haven't been posting regularly on this blog at all. But, there is a very good reason for that. (Well, a couple. But at the moment I'm only sharing one with you). 

I have been participating in the April NaNoWriMo session! :D 

This is my first time participating and I am determined to win. Now, that being said, I am behind. But I am resolved to write every day and catch up so that I can win NaNoWriMo!! I love the story that I'm writing so that helps, of course. Some days, though, I write more than others. I'm still so determoned to finish. I also feel like as I get closer to the end, it will get easier. (Here's a secret: I already have a version of my last chapter written. So I know exactly what is going to happen). ;) Typing so fast does make me have a lot of spellin errors, though. (And it seems that I just can't stop doing that). 

Anyway, my progress today. I started out at 20,177 words and ended today with 23,430 words. Today I've written 3,253 words. Not bad.Wish me luck for the rest of NaNoWriMo!! I want to finish on time!! :)

<3 Amanda Leigh

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